We Care

Only education can make our society better!

Holistic approach to test prep

We strongly believe in the greater good of the society.

Open Education

We are strong believers in open source software and open education, and support these open initiatives, where ever we can. Our concept of ‘open education’ is the following: A person should be judged based on subject knowledge only and not unimportant criteria like college or school branding or marketing, alumni support, backdoor relations with industry or government, club memberships, etc. Parents should have the freedom to secure educational opportunities for their kids where ever they want, regardless of locality where they live, or do homeschooling. Each student should be ranked based on nationwide exit exams, rather than entrance exams, to determine the actual quality of education being imparted. Testing should be kept to a minimum. Students should focus on developing curiosity, intellectual thinking skills and creativity. Exams should be of very high standard and set by a single, national, neutral, rotating body of highly qualified scholars with at least a PhD degree. Each subject exam should be conducted only once a year, at a fixed time, and the exam questions must never be reused. Also, the exam questions should be released immediately after the exam and the students should get a copy of their graded exams.

Open education has many advantages, and has the potential to revolutionize the bureaucratic education sector. It will help in finding the really talented students, from all walks of life. Only the schools that are really educating students and producing results will survive. Open education will also reduce the current inflated prices in the education sector. It will force education providers to be truly competitive. It offers a uniform metric to measure all students’ achievements. Finally, it will decrease the influence of public and private money in schools and the wasteful middlemen.

Aren’t these what we want in a true democracy and free market economy? If you believe in this ideology, become part of the movement >.


We provide need-based scholarships to students from low-income families that are highly promising to attend our test prep classes. If you think you qualify, please submit a copy of most recent grade card, an essay (200 words limit) on why you deserve the scholarship and contact details (email, phone and address). We may ask for additional information. The scholarship is solely based on our judgement. Please email above material to ClarityEd well in advance and put ClarityEd Scholarship Application in the Subject line: Contact Us >


We give part of our profits to charities worldwide, that we consider worthwhile.


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